The International Plant Protection Convention
The International Plant Protection Convention
Contracting Parties
- Accepting the need for international cooperation in the control of pests of plants and plant products, preventing their international spread and their entry into particularly dangerous areas,
- Accepting that phytosanitary measures must be technically justified, transparent and that they must not be applied under conditions of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or disguised restrictions, in particular in international trade
- wishing to ensure close coordination of funds in this area
- Wishing to provide a harmonious circle for the development and application of phytosanitary measures and to develop international standards for this purpose
- Considering the internationally recognized principles aimed at protecting plant, human and animal health and the environment,
- Noting the Agreements arising from the multilateral trade negotiations held in Uruguay, including the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
Have reached agreement on the following: International Plant Protection Convention
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